The World Famous "Fence Wizard": September 2007

Friday, September 21, 2007

Fence Industry Wildcard: "DOGS".

As implied in previous articles by the Fence Wizard the residential fence installation market is enduring a complete recession in "most" American markets and will likely get worse in the short term. One bright spot - new dog owners. Americans have a love affair with dogs. Chances are if a homeowner has no dog; they will get one soon. In addition, new laws such as the no chain law in California are basically forcing some Dog Owners to repair, replace, or add a new fence to comply. It is vital to focus on any trend that could make your company more competitive. The facts are clear, more Americans are getting pets and they are spending more money on pets every year.
Here is some relevant data from the APPMA (American Pet Products Manufacturers Association):

Total U.S. Pet Industry Expenditures

Year............... Spending (in billions)

2007............... $40.8 Est.
............... $38.5
............... $36.3

2004............... $34.4

2003............... $32.4

2002............... $29.5

2001............... $28.5

1998............... $23

1996............... $21

1994............... $17

Now, we know we have demand for anything relevant to pet owners and specifically dog owners. Lets address a big problem: "ELECTRONIC DOG FENCING" or "INVISIBLE FENCE". I have linked our readers to these products on the sidebar under "Fence Builders Enemy". Indeed it is exactly that and for a couple hundred bucks homeowners can avoid a $ 5 -10,000 perimeter fence installation. So lets review your sales technique if you think your customer might go to the dark side......
Invisible fence will NOT:
1. Keep out other animals
2. Protect your animals from attack by other animals
3. Keep out thieves
4. Keep out vandals
5. Keep out Jehovah's Witness's
6. Most importantly - it will not guarantee a pet from escape
7. It Can and Will effectively lock your dog out if they get excited and breach the perimeter then they may be too scared to return and suffer another shock.

Get your sales pitch straight, it only takes 2 minutes to explain why you would personally avoid the lure of a cheap invisible fence for your own animals. Be a good member of the community and stop by the local SPCA and even pet shops to leave your card. Develop relationships with others in the animal care industry including your local veterinarians. Use this bright spot in the market to your advantage - the growth in this area will not stop anytime soon.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Principia announces results of Fence Market Study...

Unfortunate for us, Principia does not believe in the free lunch philosophy that guides the Fence Wizard Blog. The major results of the survey are described HERE.
However, for the full report you will have to pony up some money. Here are the points that I wish to pass on to Fence Wizard readers:

1. Demand for residential fence is estimated to be nearly $3 billion of the total fence market value in 2006. Steve Van Kouteren, a Principal at Principia Partners explains, The residential fence market consists of five major fence styles including privacy, post and rail, chain link, ornamental, and post and wire/wire mesh. The market can also be segmented by the four distinct material segments including wood, metal, plastic and mineral-based or masonry materials. Wood and metal are the dominant materials used, accounting for over 70% of the total value.

In addition to vinyl fence, polystyrene, wood-plastic composites (WPC), and polyethylene are the other plastic-based fence materials. Mr. Van Kouteren says that the recent study estimates demand for plastic fence materials in the North American residential market to be over $600 million or nearly 25% of the total market in 2006.

3. Plastic fence will continue to grow its market share over the next five years. Most demand growth will be for vinyl and for new wood-plastic composite privacy fence. Both materials will be replacing wood. Plastic fence manufacturers have developed new privacy fence products with embossed wood grain and earth tone colors as well as low gloss to mimic wood. The new WPC fence products have an edge over vinyl in regards to availability of a wide range of darker colors. Both vinyl and WPC suppliers are looking to take advantage of the growing consumer demand for low maintenance, non-shiny, white plastic fence by tapping into the huge portion of the wood privacy market that will not consider white vinyl as an option.

Compared to vinyl post-and-rail fence, which has successfully penetrated and displaced as much as 50% of wood in many regional markets, vinyl only has about a 16% share of the North American privacy fence market. The large wood privacy market is also a target for the foamed polystyrene and 100% polyethylene-based fence products.

Again, thank you to Principia for this 2006 Fence market review.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

CBS attempts to put fence installers out of business...

"Home improvement correspondent Danny Lipford shows Harry Smith how to build a good fence".
Good luck to those hoping to build a fence based on this short video. The Fence Wizard is frankly tired of the constant attempt from big media to minimize construction work and quality workmanship with short and pathetic do it yourself videos. Harry Smith actually takes time to make fun Danny for actually digging holes, thank you Harry Smith for the remarkably unabashed arrogance to all of us in the construction industry. You have earned the coveted "Wizard Finger" of the week award. To view this silly CBS video and low quality garbage fence they want you to buy click here.
To learn, understand, and plan for a fence project: Tune into THE FENCE WIZARD. ( 24 hours a day)

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Opinion piece: What fence is for.

Longtime Fence Wizard readers know that there is no such thing as opinion; it either is or it is not. The Fence Wizard will make such determinations on his schedule and with complete infallibility. So here is a short list for some newcomers about the pure essence of fence and what it is truly for.

Fence is for the demarcation of private private; private property being the cornerstone of a capitalist system which sits squarely upon the concept of private ownership, the ability to obtain credit, and the accumulation of wealth. The wizard determines these truths to be positive concepts that combine the fabric of an exceptional nation not unlike a perfect splice of chain link.

Fence is not for the unnecessary wholesale destruction of limited forest resources (i.e. cheap wood fencing)

Fence is for the protection of property enhancement, personal safety, and national security.

Fencing for private property should always compliment the prime features: house, pool, landscape. It should not dominate and seek attention; if it does - your priorities are backwards. (The Wizard does allow for individual liberty to do otherwise; just know that you are wrong).

Here is a great example of "Fence is not":

A non wizard described the above failure as:
"The Playground Fence by Tejo Remy is a translation of what is normally a mundane object - by manipulating the fence he reprograms it, creating seats and play areas. What is normally built as a barrier or a separator becomes an area for connecting and hanging out. Beautiful idea!"

Wrong. The fence is a clear trip hazard guaranteed to create liability for whatever public entity paid for its installation (meaning tax payers on the hook as always). It begs for children to climb it and play on it - the opposite of what a fence should be. Fencing by rule should improve safety for the property owner and be glamorous only in its ability to blend inconspicuously with the landscape. A Wizard Eye also catches the failure to match picket height from the modified "art" fence to the existing fence. Enough said.

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