The World Famous "Fence Wizard": A book that can boost your profit and reduce stress.

Saturday, December 9, 2006

A book that can boost your profit and reduce stress.

Book Description

Turn a profit on every construction project. An exhaustive, business-boosting reference, Construction Operations Manual of Policies and Procedures, Third Edition, by Andrew Civitello, Jr., is loaded with procedures and step-by-step details for successfully managing construction operations. You get over 300 pages of methods, strategies and tactics, forms and ready-to-copy letters all layed out for you in a concise, easy-to-grasp style. This new edition, now the most timely, complete, and useful guide available for managing construction, packs over 20% more forms and templates. It also covers new developments in construction management software, as well as recent advances in claims and dispute resolution. Significant new material is devoted to the Design-Build process. You'll also explore the distinctions between each of the project delivery formats, and find enhanced coverage of safety and loss control. Included CD-ROM packs project management software tools and plenty of useful advice.

Book Info
Addresses how to ease time pressures, organizational hassles, procedural dilemmas, materials and cost wrangles, and legal and regulatory issues. Includes cost control, budgeting, and planning outlines. CD-ROM includes downloadable forms, ready-to-use letters, checklists, and sample management software.

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